About me

I’m an independently-published (indie) writer and full-time student. I have written five books, three of which have been published, and I will have more out soon! I’m based out of West Michigan, but I spend a large amount of my time in Pennsylvania for school. When I’m not writing or in class, I love going hiking or camping with friends and family, taking trips to random places for photographs, playing music and singing, and going to movies.

I used to think I was an introvert but I eventually realized I was just shy and actually loved people! This journey of self-discovery influenced my latest book, which will be out by the end of 2018!

I’ve always loved books. During summers when I was young I would bike to the local library with my sister and come home with stacks and stacks of books that I would devour. When I was about ten years old, I decided that I wanted to write my own book. I’d read a bunch, so it couldn’t be that hard, could it? Well, over the next five years I discovered that, yes, it definitely could be that hard.

My first book, Elfson, was published in 2015 soon after I finished my sophomore year of high school. I eventually plan on rewriting and republishing this book under a new title and updated to fit my original vision of the story as my abilities at the time did not fit my dream.

Soon after publishing Elfson, I started on my next story, which would evolve into The Ground Z Duology. Both books were published in December of 2016. These were science-fiction thrillers, as opposed to the fantasy genre I had explored in my first book.

Since the publication of Ground Z, I have taken a hiatus from publishing as I work on honing my writing abilities and focus on school. I have completed two other novels since the publication of Ground Z: a superhero novel that I have since slated to be heavily rewritten (maybe look for this to be published in 2021 or 2022), and a contemporary fiction novel loosely inspired by my experiences as a freshman in college.

By looking at my published novels you could say that my writing journey has been eclectic, and you would be right! As I’ve matured as a writer, I’ve tried to explore different genres, from fantasy to science-fiction to mystery to “literary fiction” (whatever THAT is). I am still honing my craft, and I do plan on writing in a broad set of genres, though my next three books will be contemporary novels about college-age young adults.

I am still in the early stages of my author journey—still learning and developing! As I explore more and more what it means to be an author, I will continue to update this blog with posts, short stories, and newsletters.